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  1. T. Bonald and J. Virtamo, Calculating flow level performance under balanced fairness, 2003 (pdf)(bib)
    Abstract: We consider a data network whose resources are shared by a dynamically varying number of elastic flows. It has been recently found that there exist allocations with the property that the stationary distribution of the number of flows in progress on dierent routes depends only on the traffic loads on these routes. Balanced fairness refers to the most efficient of such allocations. In this paper we present an efficient method for calculating performance metrics such as flow throughputs for networks obeying balanced fairness. The method, which notably applies to the practically interesting case of concentration tree networks, is based on a recursive algorithm for computing the normalization constant of the stationary distribution. This algorithm is extended to include the case where the rate of each flow is additionally limited by an external constraint representing the user's access line for instance. The method is also shown to be applicable to the case of a finite user population. Several examples are worked out.